Media of all sorts from throughout the years.

Speech at NVRD Jaarcongres (waste congress) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 31st, 2018.

Speech at SWANA + ISWA's World Congress in Baltimore Convention Center, USA, 2017.

Speech at ISWA's World Congress in Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016.

Speech at ISEP-Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Porto in Portugal for the 10th International Technical Waste Conference hosted by APESB

 A ride up La Chureca with horse and family, 2015. 

Video w/vocals by Charlotte Detrick singing a peom by Emily Dickinson.

"La Verdad Sin Cortina" Centro Cultral Pablo Antonio Cuadra in Managua.

TV Interview promoting exhibit "La Verdad Sin Cortina" in Managua.

Channel 8 TV Interview with Everling Lambert in Nicaragua 2013

A Changing Chureca 2012