Media of all sorts from throughout the years.

Speech at NVRD Jaarcongres (waste congress) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 31st, 2018.

Speech at SWANA + ISWA's World Congress in Baltimore Convention Center, USA, 2017.

Speech at ISWA's World Congress in Novi Sad, Serbia, 2016.

Speech at ISEP-Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Porto in Portugal for the 10th International Technical Waste Conference hosted by APESB

 A ride up La Chureca with horse and family, 2015. 

Video w/vocals by Charlotte Detrick singing a peom by Emily Dickinson.

"La Verdad Sin Cortina" Centro Cultral Pablo Antonio Cuadra in Managua.

TV Interview promoting exhibit "La Verdad Sin Cortina" in Managua.

Channel 8 TV Interview with Everling Lambert in Nicaragua 2013

A Changing Chureca 2012

Photographing La Chureca in Nicaragua.

TV Interview on Channel 2 in Nicaragua 2012

tim and boy.jpg
I used these photos I took from my first visit to try and find the same people a year later and I was successful. 

I used these photos I took from my first visit to try and find the same people a year later and I was successful. 

My boys Felix, Jose, and Stephen Juarez Lopez. 

My boys Felix, Jose, and Stephen Juarez Lopez. 

Visiting the Juarez Lopez Family for the 3rd year. The home stands next the the landfill that is almost cleaned up at this point. 

Visiting the Juarez Lopez Family for the 3rd year. The home stands next the the landfill that is almost cleaned up at this point. 

The most touching part of my third trip was to see the photo I took during my first trip that I gave the Juarez Lopez family during my second trip hanging over their bed inside their small home. 

The most touching part of my third trip was to see the photo I took during my first trip that I gave the Juarez Lopez family during my second trip hanging over their bed inside their small home. 
